Discovering Pet Lizards

Research, Before you Buy Your Pet Lizard

Posted in Pet Lizards,Uncategorized by riquochet on August 24, 2007
Before you consider purchasing your pet lizard, there’s much research to be done. Although the cost of pet lizards may be quite low, there’s a whole host of equipment that you must provide him with, in order for him to live healthily and happily – and here’s where it can get expensive. First consider the type of lizard you wish to be your companion. Some species are easier (and cheaper) to keep than others.
Leopard Gecko Leopard geckos are small, easy to handle and don’t require UVA/UVB lighting and so make an excellent choice for the beginner.
Similarly, the impressively named bearded dragon is easy to handle – but not so small. Setting up a much larger terrarium than the leopard gecko’s home, and providing appropriate lighting will be a necessity. Bearded Dragon
Other types of gecko, including the Madagascar ground gecko and the fat tailed gecko are manageable for the pet lizard beginner.
Blue Tongued Skink The blue-tongued skink requires a large enclosure and UVA/UVB lighting for basking. Though curious, this little fellow is quite docile and with careful regulation of his environment makes a good beginner’s pet.
If you’re looking for a more challenging pet lizard, iguanas and chameleons may just fit the bill.
Iguana care involves a more expert approach. An iguana may be small at first, but growing to an average six feet in length, he needs a very large enclosure, with UVA/UVB lighting for basking, strict temperature and humidity control and preferably an additional outdoor enclosure for the daytime, weather permitting, with partial sun and shade. Green Iguana
Chameleon The chameleon, famous for his amazing colour changing ability, is wholly a tree dweller. His enclosure must provide ample climbing materials, and hiding places where he can retreat when stressed. It doesn’t take much to stress a chameleon and a stressed chameleon may soon become a sick one.